Appointing Deacons at Grace

Appointing Deacons at Grace

You may have heard the old joke about London buses. You wait for ages for one to come along and then two come along at once. Perhaps the same could also be said about leadership announcements at Grace London! Recently we were excited to announce that Luke Boardman will be installed as an elder (i.e. pastor) on the 8th of September. We’re also pleased to announce that we’re appointing deacons for the first time at Grace London this autumn.

Hard conversations

Hard conversations

Part of my life as a pastor involves engaging in hard conversations. Recent weeks have been filled to an unusual degree with meetings of this kind. Sometimes they’re to do with intractable problems that people can’t quite find a way out of, and in that case some outside perspective, including hard truths held up like a mirror, can be really important.

The miracle of church

The miracle of church

A couple of weeks ago an article came out in The Atlantic which described the rapid expansion and subsequent decline of the Sunday Assembly. It's effectively a secular church. They describe themselves as "a godless congregation that celebrates life" [1]. At their peak, they had launched nearly 70 chapters (i.e. congregations) in cities across Europe and North America. However, more recently, energy has fizzled out.

We’re moving home

We’re moving home

I’m very happy to confirm that we (as a church) are moving home at the end of September! Our new venue will be London Nautical School. We have shared little snippets of this with you at Upper Room, but we were not sure if it would all work out. Now, at last, we have signed the contract and set the wheels in motion.

Dealing with doubt

Dealing with doubt

Very often a Christian will approach doubt quite differently from a sceptic. A sceptic – particularly one who is new to the Christian faith – will often engage primarily at the level of the intellect. They will adopt a thinking posture in which they want to look at the arguments, read the Bible for themselves, weigh up the evidence. Of course, they will care about experience also, but experience is usually secondary. A Christian who is struggling in their faith very often struggles in a more intuitive, gut-level way…

Ten Christian books to get you started

Ten Christian books to get you started

The front page of yesterday’s Times declared, “TV’s golden age is closing the chapter on novels”. This year has seen a sharp decline in the sales of physical fiction books, partly attributed to the rise of the global monolith that is Netflix. I won’t deny that I enjoy an episode of Suits as much as the next man. But reading (particularly Christian) books has had a profound influence on my life in a way that Netflix never (ever) could. 

The crisis of fatherlessness

I’m looking forward to my first Father’s Day card this Sunday (although Caleb may need some help writing the card this year!).  

I suspect the day will be greeted with a mixture of emotions. Some of you will have very positive memories of growing up with your father and will welcome the opportunity to express your appreciation. For others, the day will feel difficult. Perhaps because you didn’t know your biological father, or because he was neglectful or abusive. This is the painful reality for many. 

In 2013, the Centre for Social Justice produced a report that estimated one million children were growing up without any meaningful relationship with their fathers. Christian Guy, then the director of the CSJ described the crisis, “For children growing up in some of the poorest parts of the country, men are rarely encountered in the home or in the classroom. This is an ignored form of deprivation that can have profoundly damaging consequences on social and mental development.

As well as being a national tragedy (and part of the pervasive impact of human sin on family life), there is often an added difficulty for Christians, who, as a consequence, can struggle with the idea of God the Father. It leaves them feeling cold or confused. Sometimes Christians project the flaws of their own biological father onto God. God feels absent because their father was absent.

And yet, I think that is precisely the opposite place God wants us to end up. Of course, it’s absolutely right to recognise the limitations of your biological father and to go through the necessary business of forgiving him for the very real sins of failing to care for and love his family. However, this feeling of frustration and sense of lack should also drive us to our knees to approach the only perfect father who ever lived, asking that, by his Spirit, we might grasp the fullness of what it means to be children of the living God and to experience the joy, affirmation and security that comes with that.

No earthly parent will be perfect but we have a perfect father who is redefining for us what good parenting looks like. He has outrageous love and strong discipline. He comes with tenderness but is willing to rebuke us in love. He’s persistently faithful and wonderfully sacrificial (giving up his own son for us). Whatever our experience of biological fathers, we have a heavenly Father who is the answer to the deepest longings of our souls. 

Stop saying you’re busy

Stop saying you’re busy

I am as prone to it as you are. When people ask me how things are going, I often respond by saying, ‘Busy!’ But I was provoked this week to stop using this word.

I went to a day conference in honour of the late Eugene Peterson. Various pastors were sharing the impact Peterson had had upon them, and a strong theme was Peterson’s opposition to busyness in pastoral ministry.

Don’t waste your summer

Don’t waste your summer

As we enter into what can euphemistically be described as the British summer, we will soon start to see the city beginning to slow down. Students are already finishing their exams and preparing to return home (we’ll miss you!). For those of us still in the city, life begins to take a slower pace. Work starts to be a bit quieter. Evenings are spent relaxing in the park with friends. And many of us will leave the city at some point for a short break. This is good news for our weary bodies! 

Why you should pursue spiritual strength

Why you should pursue spiritual strength

There is a real sweetness and relief in being able to acknowledge your weakness before God. But the aim of the Christian life is to develop strength, to muscle up (spiritually speaking), and to grow mighty in God. We are wrong to think that aspiring to spiritual strength is somehow proud or unrealistic and unattainable. God has gifted us his Holy Spirit for the very purpose of strengthening us.

The gift of weakness

The gift of weakness

About three weeks ago, as we were going on holiday, I began to feel a strong sense of my own weakness. I was feeling very tired after a busy term. I was struggling with a cold and bruised ribs and was particularly aware of my battle against specific sins (impatience, selfishness etc.). 

As the holiday went on, I began to reflect on this weakness…

What a preacher sees

What a preacher sees

The past couple of weeks, we’ve been thinking a lot about how we all respond differently to God speaking to us. A lot of the time when preaching, it’s hard to tell what’s going on in the people who are listening. 

There are quite a lot of reactions you get to observe when preaching: Someone is yawning because they stayed up late the night before. Someone is looking intently, hanging on every word…