Finding Peace in the Age of Anxiety

If you’ve spent any length of time in London, you’ll know that a substantial number of Londoners have experienced some form of anxiety, whether that’s simply a low-level sense of unease, or a more profound clinical anxiety.  More widely, anxiety has been described as “Britain’s silent epidemic”. According to the popular press and more academic research, we’ve seen an explosion in the levels of anxiety. 

Of course, many of us are wondering what’s causing this? Are we simply more willing to admit to poor mental health? Or is there any underlying cause: Economic uncertainty? Loneliness? Increased screen time? Our modern pace of life?

As a church, we want to engage with the questions that secular Londoners are asking and show how the gospel answers our deepest longings, so we’ve decided to make this the focus of our next Salt Live event. 

You can sign-up here. Join us for a thought-provoking evening as we seek to understand the sources of our discontent and consider what the Christian faith has to say to this modern phenomenon. 

Our speaker for the evening, Andrew, leads Grace London. He has two degrees in theology from London universities, is married to Sie Yan, a GP, and has two children. In twelve years of church leadership, he has engaged with many Londoners who are grappling with anxiety. 


Finding Peace in the Age of Anxiety

Date and Time

Tues 12th March 2019
19.30 – 21.30 BST
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Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre
108 Stamford Street

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