As a church community, we follow regular weekly and monthly rhythms. Every week, we gather for our Sunday services, to worship God and hear from the Bible. We also meet for mid-week life groups in homes across the city, to enjoy dinner together and study scripture. On the first Wednesday of each month, we pause life groups and meet as a church for Upper Room, our prayer and worship gathering.


We’d love to connect with you.

Joining a new church can be daunting but here at Grace London, our wish is for everyone to feel welcome, accepted and at home.

If you haven’t done so already, please fill out a newcomer form linked below and we’ll be in touch shortly.

Below, there are a few other ways to begin getting plugged into church life…

Our monthly Welcome Events are an avenue into church life. Here, you can meet other newcomers over drinks, meet some of our leaders, and hear the church’s vision.

If you haven’t joined us for one yet, please head to our Welcome Event page and sign up for the upcoming one.

Welcome EVENt


Grace London would not be able to run without our dedicated team of volunteers serving in a variety of ways, from setting up our venues, playing instruments, teaching kids or brewing coffee. It’s also a great way to get to know others in church.

Find out more about our different serving teams via the link below.

New Families

Grace London’s morning services offer kids groups for children ages two and above. The groups are run by a team of trained and DBS-checked volunteers and kids get to engage in play, arts and crafts, song and lesson time, learning about God, Jesus and the bible in fun and educational ways.

If you are interested in enrolling your child into a group for the first time, please fill out the new child form below.

For children under two, there is a crèche room available with baby toys and amenities. Kids must be accompanied by an adult in the room and we have listening devices available so parents can still listen to the sermon while in the room.