Grace London Music
Our first single, ‘Crucible’ is out now.
Artwork by Emily Ikoshi
Indwelling sin often goes unnoticed, staying hidden for long stretches. But occasionally, it surfaces, causing hurt to others and leaving you no other option but to stare it in the face.
The chorus of Crucible was written in one such moment. It bubbled up as a prayer of repentance, a cry for God to "purify my heart!" I don’t want to keep sinning like this. Do whatever it takes to create a pure heart in me.
The Father showers us with grace in these moments. He knows our sin - even before we fall - yet offers new mercies each day. He never tires of us or turns us away.
Instead, he turns despair into hope and self-loathing into self-abandoned joy. And so, the cry "purify my heart" transitions to the triumphant truth, "sin cannot defeat us".
Verse 1
The Lord of all creation
The faithful and the true
You alone are holy
Righteous through and through
How can I approach you
With all the wrong I’ve done?
Through the gates of grace, Lord I come
Purify my heart, breathe on me anew
Refine with fire, put me in the crucible
Take away the dross and every hidden sin
Lord have your way in me again
Verse 2
My heart it longs for leading
It seeks to know the way
I hear your Spirit speaking
To trust you and obey
I follow in the footsteps
of Jesus to the cross
For everything but Him, I count as loss
Sin cannot defeat us
Cause you gave us your Son
In all of our temptation
The battle can be won
We fix our eyes on Jesus
The resurrected King
Who said that ‘It is finished’
So with confidence we sing
Grace London © 2024