Grace London's loudest life group?

If one word could summarise Zach, Rebs & Julie's life group, it would be LOUD. These three extroverts lead a young group in north London which, like them, exudes energy and enthusiasm. On any given Wednesday, expect plenty of laughter, Gen Z humour, and raving about the food. Hear more from them below.


Rebs, Zach & Julie

Tell us about yourself.

Zach: I was born in London but moved around England as a kid with my family. I've been at Grace London since September 2019, where I also work as an Operations & Finance Coordinator.

Rebs: I was born in Korea but grew up in Sydney, Australia, with my parents, two siblings (I ofc am the favourite last-child :)), and my cousin. I have been at Grace since I moved to London in 2022, and I love pretty much anything and everything - food, people, walking, you name it.

Julie: I'm also a third-culture kid, born in China, raised in Canada, and have lived in London for the last 8 years. I joined Grace in 2019, and it’s been my core London family ever since. I work as a freelancer in fashion, and my side-quests are food making, food offering and food exploring! I also occasionally host pop-up cafés.

Please tell us a bit about your group.

We currently meet at Julie's flat, and our group has people from all over the globe, with a majority from SE Asia. We meet every Wednesday for a delicious meal cooked by one of our members before studying the Bible together and praying about the passage and for each other's prayer requests.

What's one highlight from the last year?

We had a weekend away together last summer, and it was so encouraging to see the group get on so well. Friendships were deepened, and people who had just joined the group felt like part of the furniture by the end of the trip.


Life group weekend away

What’s your hope for the life group in the year ahead?

Zach: My hope is that we grow in maturity in Jesus. We'd love to see our group get to the stage where everyone is contributing in their unique way, becoming a community like in Acts 2.

Rebs: Similar to Zach, I hope that we all help one another grow in Christ, digging deep into the word, genuinely praying for one another, and reminding each other of the things that are unseen.

Julie: That we become prayer warriors who break barriers. And that the world we pray for knows us not primarily for our knowledge or wisdom but for our love.

How can we pray for you and the group?

Our group has been together for some time now, and we want to continue thanking God for our challenges & growth.

Inward: Please pray for greater love for Jesus and each other. That we love like him and devote ourselves to each other like family in this big and busy city. We want to keep growing within.

Outward: For us to be sent on mission to the nations and into the city. Please pray that our hearts may be present and attuned to the great commission and our personal callings.

Find out more about our life groups here.