
We’re hiring!

I’m very pleased to announce that we are hiring! Since last Summer, things have been gathering more pace at our church, and we have really felt the impact of having Jeremy Moses on staff and James Worringer as our volunteer intern. Gone are the days of me working all on my own, crying into my cup of java.

The benefits of having a staff team are huge, but I am particularly thankful that I get to work with such godly and dedicated individuals. It is also a huge pleasure for me to see the ways the church has been strengthened, and the growth that has come as a result.

As of this summer we are looking to recruit a third full-timer to work with myself and Jeremy, soon after James’ internship comes to an end.

In many ways, this is an unusual role. We are looking for someone with strong planning and organisational abilities, but also we hope to find someone who is an able communicator, with the grace and maturity for leadership – especially as so much of the work of the church is done by volunteers, and this role will include leadership of those volunteers. This means that the right person is going to have a broad mix of gifts. But, if you are tempted to disqualify yourself, we would encourage you to speak to us or, better yet, apply online and we can take it from there.

Over the years, I have witnessed the extraordinary impact this kind of role can have in churches, propelling them forward and releasing the pastoral staff to focus on their primary calling.

Please visit the Vacancies page to view the Job Description.

Applications close on 31st March, and the job is due to begin in July/August this year. If you have any questions about the role before applying, please feel free to contact Jeremy.