
Biblical Creativity

What do the average banker and painter have in common? Probably not much. Their labours are utterly unalike. One works in an office, the other in a studio. One works with numbers, the other with colour. But despite their differences, the Bible bestows dignity on the work of both. The artist is as much a ‘worker' as the financier, and vice versa.

In a world which prizes productivity, this is important to note. Creative work does not make the world go round like money does. We would immediately feel the crushing effects of a financial crisis, but if every artist stopped working tomorrow, it would take longer to notice. However, the consequences would be similarly crushing if only different and more gradual. Life would slowly become less beautiful and vibrant. Culture would grow stale. While creativity doesn't hit productivity goals like other forms of work, it is equally vital.

Creativity is work

The Bible affirms the place of creativity in its opening pages. In Genesis 1, God gives Adam and Eve a mission: “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” (Genesis 1.28). 

God honours them with the responsibility to 'subdue' the earth, to tame a sinless but uncultivated world. Pre-fall creation was not corrupted, but neither was it finished. God looked at the world with delight - it was ‘good’ - but there was more to be done. Earth’s raw materials existed but remained untamed. So, God called Adam and Eve to create order in this beautiful but wild landscape.

Creating art is one way to subdue the earth. Just as farmers tame creation by ploughing and sowing, artists do so by composing and performing. Their materials are not seed and soil but colour, language and sound. So, like farming, gardening, or banking, creative work is honest work.

Creativity is hard

However, we often imagine creative work simply as musing for hours, waiting for a genius idea to strike. This notion only hinders us from viewing artistry as honest work. However, understanding creativity as a practice of cultivating God’s creation can help us.

As any labourer will tell you, cultivation requires persistent hard work, even in the driving rain. A farmer doesn’t wait for perfect circumstances or a particular emotion to get ploughing. There will be moments of joy and reward, but grit, patience, and endurance are anyways required.

Similarly, creative work is neither easy nor passive but, like any work, requires persistence. Understanding creativity as a form of cultivating shows us we needn’t wait for a stroke of genius. Like the farmer, we must work even when inspiration is lacking and circumstances are suboptimal. As painter Chuck Close said, “Inspiration is for amateurs — the rest of us just show up and get to work.”

Creativity blesses others

Finally, creative work done well demonstrates God’s kindness to others. Beautiful art, music, choreography, and architecture enrich our lives. Artistry nourishes our souls. It is one way God showers his common grace over humanity - and the world cannot do without it.

So, if God has gifted you with artistic talent and creativity, use it to his glory! Follow his command and cultivate the world through your creativity. Doing so may sometimes feel difficult or uninspired, but your labour will make the world more vibrant. Spend your life for the glory of God and the good of others, and start creating.