Andrew's Sabbatical

Dear church family,

I am pleased to announce on behalf of the trustees and elders of Grace London that, after nine years of incredibly hard work, Andrew is going to be taking a three-month sabbatical from the end of April to July.

A sabbatical is an extended period of leave from ministry, drawn from God's pattern for work and rest instituted for his people in the Old Testament.  God called his people to rest one day in seven, and to leave the land fallow one year in seven.  In the same way, pastors will often take a period of leave in every seventh year of ministry.  If you want to know more about sabbaticals, this is a helpful article which explains the concept in greater depth.

Andrew planted Grace London with a small group of friends in 2014.  Since then, he has worked tirelessly in serving God as our lead pastor.  In this time, Andrew has not had an extended time of rest and is therefore overdue a sabbatical. 

Andrew was offered a sabbatical in 2021 (the seventh year of his ministry at Grace).  However, given his desire to be with the church as we emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic, and to be with his family as they faced the ill-health and passing of his father, Andrew felt unable to take the sabbatical until this year. 

Please join us in praying for Andrew and Sie as they take this time off; that they might experience deep rest and precious family time.  Please also pray that this would be a time for Andrew to reflect on his ministry to date and to seek the Lord for the season ahead.  We believe that this sabbatical will permit Andrew to return to ministry with new-found energy and enthusiasm for the calling that the Lord has placed upon him.

While Andrew is away, Jeremy and Luke will assume greater responsibility in the leadership of Grace London. In Andrew’s absence, Jeremy will be preaching more regularly on Sundays, alongside some other pastors from Advance (the movement we’re part of) joining us as guest preachers. Please be praying for Jeremy and Jen, and Luke and Janice as they take on this extra responsibility. 

Kind regards,


On behalf of the trustees and elders of Grace London