Bible & Brekkie

Ever scrolled through the Grace London WhatsApp community, stumbled across a group chat, and wondered, 'What is that?'

Maybe it's just me.

One chat you may have seen is the Women's Bible Study & Breakfast Club. The group has met at the church office every other Saturday morning since the beginning of January and is led by Bisi, Paulina and Naomi, who tell us more.


Bisi, Paulina & Naomi

It's been so amazing getting to know many new sisters from the Grace family as we've studied the Bible together. These Saturday mornings are a place to reconnect with friends we don't often see and make new ones.

We've been studying 1 Peter alongside a study guide from Jen Wilkin. We hear teaching, study in smaller groups, and use online resources to chew over the incredible truths found here - our inheritance in Christ, the call to look different from the world, and what it means to live sacrificially for Christ.

We're also practising different study techniques along the way, such as looking for links and repetition in biblical texts, the importance of context and pursuing the author's intentions for the text before exploring its present-day meaning for us. It has been rich and eye-opening, and I'm grateful for the amazing, raw, and honest discussions we've had as we've explored this text over an (extremely satisfying!) breakfast spread.

The time has been precious, and we're looking forward to studying many more books in the coming months. We want to create a space for any ladies who call Grace London their home to come and prioritise reading the word with other sisters.


What others are saying


"When I first heard about the Saturday morning Bible study, I immediately shut it down because I like a slow Saturday morning and am a creature of habit! I missed the intro, but praise God for leading me to sign up for the second session. Now, I can't think of a better way to start my Saturday morning than Bible 'n' brekkie with the girls. I've met ladies from other services who I wouldn't normally bump into, and analysing the word to the depth that Jen Wilkins's book encourages us to is mind-blowing."


“So much kindness, wisdom, prayers & testimonies shared amongst sisters. Sometimes scripture can be confusing, but having the space and time to zoom in on a passage with other believers is a real privilege. I’ve learnt some transformative ways to study the Bible! Plus, there are charcuterie boards...”

If you'd like to join for the remainder of our sessions on 1 Peter or find out when we're starting our next study, please join our Bible study breakfast WhatsApp group via the Grace London WhatsApp Community.