How to move house

Starting a new congregation in Holborn has an air of familiarity. We last started a new congregation in 2018 when we began the evening service. Even then, as a much smaller church, we needed more space to welcome newcomers and foster a deep sense of community.

We faced a similar challenge again in 2019 when we outgrew our previous venue and found ourselves regularly squeezing past each other to get to the coffee machine (sound familiar?). We moved both services into a bigger space at the London Nautical School on that occasion. But at both these points in our church’s history, the desire for more people to hear the gospel and experience genuine community meant a shift was needed.

In establishing a new congregation at a new venue, we’re combining two shifts we've previously made. But while there is a familiarity to multiplying again, we recognise it's no small change. There's much to be done, and we need Jesus' guidance and your support as we move ahead with the launch.

There are parallels between what we’re doing in planting a church family into Holborn and what it is like to move house. From experience, there is usually a rapid change of perception from ‘I don’t have that much stuff - how hard can it be?’ to ‘There’s actually a lot to do here… We’re going to need some help’.

When Nats and I moved into our current flat, we called upon an army of willing volunteers to help us with almost everything. Some friends helped to clean our old flat, others provided lunch for everyone, and some put their Tetris skills to good use and packed the van with all our belongings. Even after we moved in, more people helped us paint the walls, put up shelves, and lent us their car for the inevitable IKEA trip. Everyone played a part, and their combined efforts and skills were essential in making the whole thing successful.

In scripture, we see the same pattern. God gives people specific roles to fulfil his purposes. There are countless examples throughout the Bible of individuals and groups of people being raised up by God to serve him and his people.

As we take this step of faith in forming a new community on the other side of the Thames, I want to encourage you to consider what part you can play. Can you help to establish serving teams in the Holborn congregation? Or perhaps strengthen our existing teams in Waterloo? In any case, be encouraged that Jesus is building His church and is inviting you to play a part in whatever capacity you can.