You’re all ministers of the word

One of the greatest dangers churches face is the professionalisation of ministry, when the gap between the pulpit and the pew widens. At this point, church members become consumers instead of co-labourers, and the work of ministry is entrusted into the hands of a few. At this point, immaturity rules the day.

The New Testament has an entirely different view on how the church should operate. The place of leadership is never diminished, but the dignity and purpose of every individual – the priesthood of all believers – is elevated. When this happens, there is potency and life that flows through the body.

One of the core ministries of all believers (that includes you) is the ministry of the word. Aside from the authoritative preaching that is expected from ordained pastors, each person in the church family is entrusted to wield the word for the building up of the body.

This happens in numerous ways, but the main ones mentioned in the New Testament are these. First, there’s encouragement (see 1 Thess 4.185.11Heb 3.1310.25). This is not so much encouragement in the way we think of it – ‘You’re amazing! Back yourself! You’re gonna slaaaay’. Instead, it’s something like this: Putting courage into others by telling them the truth of what we believe; stoking up the fire of faith by helping others cling to the truth.

Second, there’s teaching (as in Col 3.16 or Titus 2.3). Obviously, not everyone is equally knowledgeable in the Scriptures. But the point here is that even if you know just a little bit more than someone else, you can teach them something. It might be a verse you read that morning that happens to be relevant at a particular moment talking to a friend.

Finally, there’s instruction or admonition. There’s a bunch of verses in the New Testament that use a Greek word noutheteo, which is translated differently in different places, but essentially it means this: Giving clear, directive, even forceful advice to someone. Take a look at Romans 15.14, or 1 Thess 5.1214, or or Col 3.16

I think of it like this. If the church is a group of people on a voyage together on the high seas, there are constant waves washing over the deck ready to sweep people overboard. Someone is experiencing doubts; another is caught in temptation; another is walking through suffering. At that point, when someone is about to get washed out to sea, the nearest person needs to throw out a hand and grab them without hesitation. That’s noutheteo – a readiness to speak the truth to each other with real conviction and to help each other do the right thing and stay on board.

All of this to say: You are a minister of the word. A healthy church involves your willingness to build up the body by speaking the truth of the gospel. So ask yourself, who needs to hear from you today? Who can you encourage? Who can you help?