As Londoners, we love sharing a good meal, whether hosting a dinner party, meeting for life group, or exploring the hundreds of restaurants that line our streets. Food is always a great way to bring people together from all backgrounds and cultures. But, I wonder how often we consider the command in Luke 14 when Jesus says, “But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind” (v13). This kind of hospitality is profoundly counter-cultural.
Over the last 18 months, Grace London has partnered with London City Mission’s homeless ministry in Waterloo, Webber Street. It flows from our passion to practically love our neighbour and share the gospel with our local community. On the first Thursday evening of each month, a team of volunteers hosts a community meal, including a short evangelistic talk.
Here are a few things I’ve learned through this ministry since we began in 2023.
Dignity is powerful.
Jesus shows us the power of dignifying the least, the last, and the lost. Dining with the sick, the sinners, and the outcasts, he demonstrates and calls us to be a community that loves those others overlook.
One of the precious things about Webber Street is the dignity it bestows. Guests leave feeling hopeful and lighter in spirit, having been genuinely listened to and encouraged. Our team of chefs also blesses them with a lavish meal, even as fancy as ‘Coq no vin’! Putting in extra effort is one way to honour and love our guests.
Three of our volunteers, Paulina, Estera & Lucy
Building relationships is key.
Webber Street does much more than feed people. One guest commented that if he needed food, he could sit outside Tesco and wait for someone to buy him a sandwich. But at Webber Street, he finds not just food but community: a place where he can build genuine relationships and be known. Building a community here displays Christ’s compassion for the marginalised, who often feel ignored and isolated.
As Christians, we recognise the importance of fellowship, and it has been a blessing to build relationships through this ministry. We have had deeper conversations as we've built trust, opening up evangelistic opportunities.
The fields are white for harvest.
It has been exciting to see fruit from this ministry, and in recent months several guests have shown receptivity to the gospel. Praise God for the way he is softening their hearts and drawing these men and women to himself! By God’s grace, more guests have been attending our Sunday services, and as a church, it is vital that we welcome them with the love of Christ. May God continue to use us as his hands and feet!
Please pray 1) that more guests respond to the gospel, 2) that the Lord expands and uses our volunteer team and 3) that we would be ready to welcome these guests into the church with love, care and sensitivity.
If you are interested in learning more about this ministry or are keen to get more involved, please attend our Information Session & Lunch on Sunday, 27th October, from 1.30-3.30pm at London Nautical School. The session is open to anyone and will be an opportunity to discuss the ministry, give updates, share encouragements and testimonies, and answer any questions.
P.S. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you’d like to meet up and chat about our Webber Street ministry. Contact me at