Introducing George and Becs

Last Sunday, at both services, we were introduced to George & Becs Style. George is our new Pastor-in-Training. We thought many of you would like to get to know them a little better, so we've included an interview with them below. 

Can you tell us a bit about yourself? 

[George] I’m a Londoner, born and bred. I was raised in a non-Christian home and grew up with the classic London cocktail of chasing achievement in work, success in relationships and pursuing a five-year plan. It was in the final year of my degree in primary education, whilst on a semester abroad in the United States, that I encountered Christ for the first time and all my previous pursuits changed. When I came back I was baptised and have been following him ever since. 

And Becs, what about you? Tell us a bit about yourself.  

[Becs] Well, I'm from Hornchurch (Essex) and grew up in a Christian home. I’m one of seven, so life growing up was always action-packed. Something that the Lord really has put on my heart is his love for the vulnerable in society. I’ve mostly worked in the charity sector, working with those who are homeless or struggle with addiction, but in the past couple of years have found myself working in schools alongside teenagers and young adults with learning difficulties. Care for these amazing people really is a passion of mine. At some point in the future, George and I want to adopt or be involved in foster care.

George and I met online nearly three years ago, mid-COVID pandemic lockdown. We started dating — lots and lots of walks before lockdown was lifted — and we were eventually married. We celebrated our one-year anniversary this April. 

Becs, what were the first things that struck you about Grace London when you started attending?

[Becs] I really enjoyed Andrew and Jeremy’s preaching, I always feel like I’ve been fed so well sitting under God’s word brought by them, but for me personally, the thing that stuck with me the most is the intensity and passion of the times of worship in the service. Music has always been important to me and was even a big part of how I came to Christ and so to be in a room surrounded by people who sing so loudly and boldly as we declare beautiful things of God, that’s really powerful to me.

Back to you, George. You're joining us as our church's new Pastor-in-Training; how did you end up deciding on a life in vocational ministry? 

[George] I remember from the moment I began my walk with Christ I felt the sense of the Lord's call over my whole life and that sense was only strengthened by people, encouraging me into deeper aspects of service. I remember my pastor at the time sending me the link to our church's internship programme telling me that he thought I should seriously consider signing up. Then, when busy London life seemed to be put on pause during the pandemic, and I wasn't busying myself looking after kids in the school classroom, I was able to spend time intentionally discerning this call. That led me to leave my job as a primary school teacher and start full-time study at Oak Hill Theological College in North London, whilst working for my church at the same time. 

We’re excited to have you both part of the church! What are you most excited about in this role? And what are your hopes for our church?

[George] Am I allowed to say everything? I think the thing I'm most excited for is getting to know the whole church family and beginning to walk alongside them, encouraging them and supporting them: helping to build them up in their walk with Christ.

My hope for the church, as we continue to seek the Lord, is to be building his kingdom here in London, as it is in heaven; that we grow as a community, as a family, as a body, that loves one another, seeks to build each other up and lives together in fellowship… A church that is the salt and light to a city that is crying out for what can only be offered by God's precious gospel.

George and Becs, how can we be praying for you both and your ministry at Grace London?

[George] Thank you for asking. I guess firstly, that the Lord will help us get settled quickly into the rhythms and patterns of church life. Please also pray for us as we expecting a baby in spring next year! 

[Becs] My pregnancy hasn't been the easiest so far. And has stopped me from involving myself in church life as much as I would like. So, please pray for us and for our unborn baby.

Welcome to George & Becs!