Growing our team

Before Andrew went on his sabbatical, we (the elders) agreed to advertise for a new role in the staff team, which we’ve provisionally entitled, ‘Executive Director’. Hiring this person would be a significant step for us as a church. We expect they’d help us grow our organisational and operational muscle, and ensure that our staff and volunteers are well managed and cared for. 

This is something we’ve been thinking about for some time. Over the past couple of years (i.e. post-Covid) the church has grown numerically. We’ve also established new ministries and events (and anticipate doing this more in the future). This means we’ve had to increase our operational muscle. This has involved hiring new team members, including the events and hospitality coordinator that we’re currently interviewing for. 

As part of growing our staff team, we sense the time is right to appoint a leader to help oversee the operations side of church life. They’ll play a critical role in overseeing our operations, finances, staff, HR, and other elements of church life. 

There may be a tendency in some of us to think of these sorts of things as ‘unspiritual’. Instead, we think of preaching, or praying, or evangelism as the ‘real stuff’ of the church. And there is some truth to that. Those activities are important. However, Christ calls us all to serve the body in a multitude of ways, and all forms of service are vital for the health of the church. 

For example, in Acts 6, seven men are set apart for the task of administering practical support for widows in the church. They are not given a title, but they are effectively deacons i.e. servant-leaders in the church. Fascinatingly, they are described as ‘of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom’ (Acts 6.3). The implication is that their character, spiritual maturity and walk with the Lord are essential for their work. Their practical service is spiritual worship. 

As we gather together on Sundays, we all come with different gifts. Some come prophecying, some come with a clipboard in hand, some come ready to encourage a friend who is struggling, but all come with the same posture, ready to bring their gifts to bless the body. Even if you’re not applying for this role, you have the same calling to use your talents to strengthen our community. 

Please pray with us for the right person to apply for this role. And feel free to share the role with people you know.