Band of Brothers

Why was 'Band of Brothers' such a successful TV series? If you haven’t seen it, or even heard of it, then you’ve missed out on a major televisual phenomenon. It gets 9.4 on IMDB and is etched on the memory of a generation, despite only being 10 episodes. It follows the wartime travails of a US Paratrooper unit as they make their way through occupied Europe in WW2. It’s a visceral reflection on the horrors of war and the incredible sacrifices involved.

The film connected with the human longing to belong in a team. There’s something special about being part of a wider group of people united by a common purpose. Anyone who’s played team sport will know that feeling. The exhilaration of fighting together against a common enemy. The sense of dependence on each other. The way you’re encouraged to keep on going when you see your teammates persevering. Being part of a team propels you forward in a way that wouldn’t happen on your own.

I think we see the same dynamic going on in the New Testament. We see the kingdom of God spreading through different churches in different geographic locations. But these churches are not operating in an isolated way. They’re persevering together, strengthening each other, both in their example to each other and in acts of partnership. For example, in Acts 11, the Jerusalem church hears that God has done a significant work in Antioch, in bringing a number of folk to faith. So, they send Barnabas (an apostle) to strengthen this church. Later on in the chapter, as the Antioch church hears that the Jerusalem church is about to suffer famine, they send the church a financial gift.

This sets an example for the church today. We should expect to partner with other churches as a way of furthering the kingdom (and mission) of God. At Grace, we do this through our partnership with Advance. Advance is a family of churches, located across a number of different continents, that are committed to working together to plant churches and strengthen each other. 

Over the years, we’ve had great benefits from being part of the network. We’ve received pastors to preach at Grace, preached at other churches, built a number of strong friendships with folks from other churches, trained leaders together, invested in church planting and mission through Advance, and received plenty of wise input.

I’m delighted that we’ll be receiving guest speakers from four Advance churches in the coming months. I hope, as we have these speakers join us on Sundays, over the coming months, we’ll feel something of the one-heartedness that marks gospel partnership in the New Testament. As the African proverb goes, "if you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together”. And so, we press on together, with our brothers and sisters across the globe, worshipping Christ and seeking to advance his kingdom.