Walking Miracles

Every testimony recounts a miracle. Only the Holy Spirit can give us a spiritual pulse and exchange our cold hearts for beating ones. We may imagine that our first steps towards Jesus were our own, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Before God breathed on us, we were dead in our sins. A corpse cannot bring itself to life.

Our recent baptisms testify to the miracle-working power of God. Jesus, the dead-raiser, is alive today, and His signature is all over these brothers' and sisters’ lives.


“As I wrestled with God's Word and tried to understand it intellectually, I turned to a friend and asked him, "How can I be sure that God is real and Jesus is who he says he is?” To which he responded, “The proof is in the pudding. If you want to know that God is real, pray to him and ask, 'Jesus, if you're real, reveal yourself to me.'”

“For the first time in over a decade, I knelt by my bed and prayed that prayer.  The very same week, Jesus revealed himself to me in a dream.  He saw that my heart was finally softening, and I was seeking him.”


“When I was 12 years old, I decided to read a daily devotional my grandmother sent me, explaining the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. I was absorbed in the story. I decided that Easter morning to give my life to Christ, and it was then that I first encountered God's presence. 

“There has not been a moment in my life since when I have not come to face God’s love. It has met me downtrodden in the darkest alleys, where no man can reach. His love has been a reaching hand and has filled me with favour and joy.”


“I was riddled with self-hatred, shame, and self-pity and no longer wanted to live. In May, I went on a trip to visit my family in Trinidad, and whilst my gran and I were talking, she mentioned church in passing. I said to her that I wanted to go. 

“The second time I went, I walked up to the altar, and as the pastor prayed over me, I started sobbing like never before. I called out to God and kept saying how sorry I was and how much I needed him. That was when I surrendered and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. Despite 27 years of rejecting Him, He welcomed me with open arms.”


“I followed the freshers' craze, trying to fill the emptiness inside of me, but nothing worked. As I lay in bed one night, I felt even more alone. At that moment, God reminded me of Him, and he was gently calling me back. 

“I also started attending church regularly and looked forward to going more each week. Through this, I began to see my sinfulness. I truly understood why Christ had to die and that it was my sin that he bore on the cross. It was no longer just a concept but became personal.”


"The Lord made his love real to me at the height of my shame and condemnation. His healing and cleansing love washed over me, and I finally experienced the liberating power of his love.

“After lockdown, he placed me in an amazing Christian community that pointed me to Christ. During this time, I asked a lot of questions, wrestled with the Bible and church doctrine, and ultimately discovered Jesus for myself.”


“ I felt lost, so I started attending a local church and learning about Jesus. There, God began to show me that my ‘good girl’ facade was just that, a facade. Underneath, I feared people’s opinions of me, thought horrible things about others, and clung to bitterness.

“But now, every wrong thing I've done has been washed away. Jesus Christ, the perfect man, gave his life for my forgiveness. I don’t have to carry that shame or bitterness anymore. It was a slow process, but eight years ago, I gave my life to Christ.”


“In my first year at university, I met several Christian friends who invited me to seeker-friendly events, to church, and to have dinner together. These 'strange' Christian friends shared the gospel and themselves, and I was blessed for it. During that summer, I began reading the gospels, and one morning, as I sat typing out my reflections, I heard a voice. The Lord spoke to me in a non-audible way that I do not know how else to explain and said, "You are my son.""